I am not an English teacher, and have no intention on ever being one. I know that my writing skills are not the best. I really do proof read, but I am sorry if there are mistakes. This blog is for fun... like a journal for my kids. I just let all you in.... take it or leave it! Thanks for reading!

Monday, March 7, 2011

I'll admit it.... I'm a loser!

Let's just face it.... I have no good luck when it comes to games.  I don't really care if I win, but I couldn't win if I wanted to!  In this house, Jamie has always been the lucky one.  Go into a casino with this guy and he walks out a good 300 bucks up.  I am not kidding about that.  Well, we have been starting to play board games with Carson.  I recommend starting out with Candy Land or Memory, Carson loves both of these.  It is really cute to watch how excited he gets when we play.  I am trying to teach him that he won't win all the time.  (Which Jamie sometimes hates, but he is only 3 and he needs to learn the fundamentals before he strives to win all the time!)  I just don't want my kid to cheat to win.  And that is what I have been teaching him, but it doesn't matter anyway, because the child is just like his Dad!  I mean every time we play Candy Land he gets the lollipop or the ice-cream!  And I get stuck with the gingerbread or the peppermint.... how does this happen!?  It starts to make me think that maybe I need to cheat and set the deck just to beat my 3 year old!!!   Ok, Ok, no I won't go that low, but sometimes it makes a Mama wonder.  Just check out this picture... I didn't just get beat, I got smoked!
 I am red and Carson is yellow! - I still have half the board!!!!

Happy Winner - with a peppermint stick - It is a staple when we play Candy Land!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually have cheated before just to win because I agree with you....you HAVE to teach them that they can't win all the time. but literally more times than not he wins naturally and with luck of the draw.