I am not an English teacher, and have no intention on ever being one. I know that my writing skills are not the best. I really do proof read, but I am sorry if there are mistakes. This blog is for fun... like a journal for my kids. I just let all you in.... take it or leave it! Thanks for reading!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

C.Q. - Carson Quote of the Week

So he may have a few quotes this week... and some come with pictures.  Hope you enjoy these!

- On Saturday we heard Carson in the other room talking to himself... I mean a long conversation.  This is where we found him....

He looks at Jamie and I and says, "Look I'm talking to my friends, wanna talk with me?"  Poor kid... needs to get out more and have real conversations with real children I guess.

- Last night was a long fun night!  Jamie is playing softball for his work and last night was their first practice.  Carson and I had a blast at the park and riding his bike, but it was late when we got home.  He was so tired!  I got him in bed about an hour after his bedtime.  Jamie always goes in there after I am done reading books to tell him goodnight.  But last night he was showering and ended up in there right as Carson was about to fall asleep.  This was their conversation.  Jamie "Good Night Buddy"  Carson "Night Daddy"  Jamie "Love you"  Carson "Love you"  Jamie "Cya when you wake up"  Carson "Daddy, can I go to sleep now?" hahahaha!!!!!

- This isn't a quote, but I have to add it in.  Sometimes in the morning Carson wakes up just as Jamie is about to leave and so he gets to see Daddy.  Daddy turns on cartoons for him and gives him a snack then leaves.  But some mornings he sleeps past Daddy leaving and he will cry and cry.  No matter what I do or say he is upset that he didn't see Daddy.  So Jamie and I thought about what we could do.  Jamie decided that he would turn on cartoons for him no matter what.  That way if they miss each other, then Carson knows "Daddy turned that on for him."  It has been working great the past few mornings.  I woke up this morning to find this with cartoons on.....
It's not the healthiest breakfast, but not the worst either... I won't lie, I was kinda jealous!  How sweet is this???  Let's just say, Carson LOVED it!  We love you Daddy!!

1 comment:

Molly said...

what a sweet daddy. good solution!!!