I am not an English teacher, and have no intention on ever being one. I know that my writing skills are not the best. I really do proof read, but I am sorry if there are mistakes. This blog is for fun... like a journal for my kids. I just let all you in.... take it or leave it! Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I am ready to announce to the world the name of our Daughter.  We are getting very excited about her arrival, even though we still have some time to go!  We have done a lot of thinking and discussing about her name and have agreed on Aubrey Jolee.  Jamie and I have always liked the name Aubrey, it seems to be a pretty common name now-a-day, but there is just nothing out there that we like better.  Jolee is her middle name and it has a big meaning.... Jo is my middle name (and my mom's) and I have always said that my daughter would carry our middle name.  BUT, Carson is not named after Jamie at all and since we don't know if we will have another baby or not, we wanted to incorporate Daddy's name too.... his middle name is Lee.  So, we combined our middle names to get her middle name :)  I love it!  I tried to talk Jamie into her first name being Jolee, but he said no, he liked it as her middle.  Plus, we couldn't come up with a middle name to go with it! 
Also, her nursery is complete and I am ready to post some pics of it!  Beware, it is a little bright, but I wanted a room that will grow with her so that I am not painting again in 2 years.  This set is perfect for that and they actually make twin bedding to match it!  Excuse the crib, it is not set up yet..... A. I have to wash everything and it is too early to do all that.  B. I am still babysitting a little girl and she occupies the bed until the time gets closer!  Hope you like everything!

 I have to brag a little bit with this one... My girlfriend, Jen and I made this ourselves!  Didn't cost us a dime, used all the paper that we had already in our stash! I think it turned out right on!

1 comment:

Bryn said...

LOVE the name and the room! LOVE IT! Aubrey is one of my fav names, too. I love the middle name. What a sweet time in your life. I just went to a wedding for a friend named Aubrey. When they left we got sparklers to light with a message tagged on saying, And Aubrey and darren lived happily ever after...So cute. So dang excited for you...