I am not an English teacher, and have no intention on ever being one. I know that my writing skills are not the best. I really do proof read, but I am sorry if there are mistakes. This blog is for fun... like a journal for my kids. I just let all you in.... take it or leave it! Thanks for reading!

Monday, August 1, 2011

A little Scare

An update.... On Thursday the 28th I had my 33 week appointment.  I knew that something just wasn't going to go right that morning.  I put the infant seat and hospital bag in my car and drove to the doctors.  I was so nervous!  I sent this pic to my husband (yes I was in the parking lot) see my rash crawling up my neck because of my nerves???
 I get to the office and take the kiddos in.  I told the nurse that I have been having more stronger contractions, but nothing that I can follow a pattern or not enough pain to send me to the hospital.  Also I was having a little discharge.  So I was to get undressed from the waist down.  When the doctor came in she examined me..... OUCH (Cause she couldn't get a hold of my cervix)  She was trying to get a "sample" to send to the lab that would help determine if I would go into labor with in the next 2 weeks.  I starting bleeding so it would get a false reading, so we couldn't use it.  Then she checked me.... reason why she couldn't get a hold of my cervix was because I was 70% thinned and 1 centimeter dilated!!!!  I was sent to the hospital for monitoring.  I KNEW IT!!!
I was hooked up at the hospital and the processes started.  They got another "sample" from me and found some "bacteria" but it was not my water!!!  And I was checked there and still the same - 70%, 1 cm.  So I waited for about 4 hours and was checked again.... this time I was 90% and 1 cm!!!!  The doctor came in and through out all my options.  At this point, I was scared.... why is all this happening so fast?  Why are my contractions picking up and becoming regular?  Why today?  But the conclusion was to try and keep her in there as long as week can.  So was started on Procardia (to stop contractions), a antibiotic (for the bacteria - in case she did come) and a steroid (to help her lung development speed up).  I never heard of the steroid and was actually happy about this.  The NICU Doctor came in to talk to me and said that if she gets both doses of the steroid it would improve her lungs so much more!  We just had to keep her in there for 36 hours for her to receive it!  She should of been fine if I delivered her in the case of her brain development.  The only thing she wouldn't be able to do, would of been suck - so she would of had a feeding tube... and of course the risk of breathing.  Other than that he reassured me that she should have been fine.  Made me feel good!!!
I stayed over night and by midnight (right when I was to get my 2nd dose of Procardia) my contractions were getting bad.... very strong, very close together.  But the meds worked after a while and I was able to get a little sleep.  Wow, the bittersweet night.... trying to rest alone in the hospital with only your baby's heartbeat beating right by your side.  I missed being a home with Jamie and Carson, but at the same time this night meant a lot to me.  I prayed a lot and just took it all in.
The next day I would still feel a few contractions here and there, but nothing too major.  They moved me to the Mother/Baby side which was a good sign and I stayed another night for monitoring.  If you are wondering why they didn't check me anymore, it was because since I wasn't "in labor" they didn't want to be up there unless I was having contractions, fluids coming out or bleeding.  I thought it was a good idea because I really think that is what made me have the normal contractions the night before. 
The next morning, I was having a hard time taking the Procardia.  I didn't have any strong contractions anymore.... I was having them every now and then anyway before I came in.  And I had, had both doses of the steroid already.  So why give me meds if I don't need them?  I kept thinking about how when you have a headache you take Tylenol right?  When your headache is gone, you don't keep taking them to prevent it from coming back....????  I mean if my body and baby was ready to come out, then I was ready.  Why keep holding it back?  I am very in tune with my body and don't like to alter it too much with medicine.  There was a chance that I would get sent home and have to take it at home!!! No way!  Oh and when I took my last dose of it, I got side effects.  See the Procardia can lower your blood pressure which makes your heartbeat faster to get all the blood to your body.  Well, that's what happen.  Heart was racing, started feeling hot, jittery and tingly!  I did have this the first dose I took, but it was a "loading dose" so it was normal... but I had been on it every 6 hours for 2 days and this was my first reaction.... I'm just like my Mom when it comes to medicine... if our body don't need it, it won't take it right!!!
So FINALLY I got to talk to the doctor about it and she agreed to get off of it and let my body go.  She said that if I went into labor, they wouldn't stop it again, I would just have her!!!  I had a stress test before I left and Aubrey was fine :) so I got to go HOME!!!!
I am on moderate bedrest, which the doctor said I can do ONE thing a day.  I can drive and go to the grocery, but coming home and doing laundry and making dinner would be out!  She even suggested that I didn't babysit for 2 weeks :( So I am sad about that.... but its all for the best of Aubrey.  If I can keep her in till 36 weeks, it would be fair game and all normal activities resume and I can have her.  Which is when I had Carson!  What a learning experience!  What us women do to have our babies!  I couldn't have done any of it with out the love and support of some awesome friends to help with Carson and of course my amazing husband!  He stands by me through it all and does everything to keep me calm and not stressed.  I will leave with one last thing.  When I first found out I was pregnant Jamie and I went to church and I heard this song.... it made me cry in church (since I had the miscarriage)!  I haven't heard it in church since, but I sing it in my head quiet a bit.  It was playing over and over again in my head while I was at the hospital....  "I love you
All of my hope is in you, Jesus Christ take my life, Take all of me"

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