I am not an English teacher, and have no intention on ever being one. I know that my writing skills are not the best. I really do proof read, but I am sorry if there are mistakes. This blog is for fun... like a journal for my kids. I just let all you in.... take it or leave it! Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Past Week

Since I have been out of the hospital, I have had my ups and downs.  The first few days were hard just getting back to being ME.  My body does not do well on medicine.... I get that from my Mother.  And they had me stay on the antibiotic after I left which just made me feel horrible.  Like I was taking a diet pill, in a bubble, spacey, extreme dry mouth, and I had 2 bloody noses that week... Really?  I never have bloody noses!  I know they are common in pregnancy, but it was just crazy having all these side effects after I left the hospital, and still taking some medicine.  I am happy to say that I have had NONE of that since I stopped taking it.... hmm???  Take it how you want, but if I listen to my body it says that it was from the medicine and not because, "I had a respiratory infection/cold and needed a humidifier in my room" (said the doctors)
I think the hardest part this past week and half is mental.... very emotional.... my poor, wonderful, loving husband!  I might be bragging here a little bit, but I consider myself a pretty good house wife.  I keep the house clean (daily), do the laundry, have dinner made mostly every night, beds made, toys away, by the time my husband comes home.  This is my job right?  So I do it, and I love it!  I feel very blessed that I can stay home, take care of things here and of course raise our "kids."  Not saying I "do it all" because Jamie does help a ton, but I try to have things done so he don't have to.  NOT being able to do it is KILLING ME!  I feel so lazy, on the couch.  Most people would think, "Girl, take it while you can." But that isn't me!  I like to be active, do things and not watch TV all day.... I get sooooo bored!!!!  I have caught up both kids baby books, being on the couch, wrote out thank you cards, and completely finished Aubrey's room (closet, paperwork, getting bottles cleaned and pump going) but that don't take long!  BORED!
My hardest part about this week is Carson.  I feel so bad some days!  I can't run around with him.  I try to sit outside with him, but he needs me to play with him.  Toss the ball to him, chase him, slip N slide with him, but I can't.  I told him one day that I was sorry I couldn't and he says, "It's okay Mommy, you can play with me when Baby Aubrey comes out of your belly."  Tears me up just typing that.  I am finally getting up the nerve to get us out of the house for an hour during the day, to do the library, reading bus or even just go to the mall so he can play at the place center.  He asks all the time why, "Popsicle Princess" isn't here.  And I have told him that Mommy can't babysit while Baby Aubrey is in my tummy.  Even though she is littler than Carson, it was still someone that he could play with.  I try to play games with him, cars, playdough, crafts, or even Mario Cart with him..... but sometimes, I just can't do enough and I feel guilty.  I guess I am just learning how to balance two kids already.  I need to rest for her, but I wanna run with him! 
I have 9 more days and bed rest is lifted.  I will be 36 weeks and she should be just fine to come out :)  I can do it!  I am still having contractions, some days more than other.... but I was doing that before the hospital too.  Nothing is a pattern, so just walking on egg shells over here!  Thanks everyone for thinking and praying for us!  It means more than you will ever know!!!!
This picture kinda sums up the week.... Carson, "Mommy, can I sleep with my hat tonight?" Me, "Um.... you know what buddy, sure, why not!"  I have been picking my battles wisely, I really didn't think he would actually fall asleep like this, but he did!!! ;)

1 comment:

Jessica Manfre said...

She will be here before you know it and your days of being bored will be over! =)