Friday, September 9th I started with some contractions at 4:00am. Thinking to myself, “Are these really contractions? Could it really be time?” Since I have been having them anyway…. But these were different and definitely keeping me awake. They were happening about every 10 minutes, so I waited for them to get closer. Around 5:30am I had my “bloody show” and that was when I started to get excited!
I already had my 39 week appointment scheduled that day at 9:30am and with my contractions still only coming about 10 minutes apart I waited to call. At the office, I told the doctor all that happened that morning and when she checked me I was 4 cm! She told me to go to the hospital…. I was going to have a baby!!!!
After all the craziness of waiting for Jamie to get there, getting Carson picked up, and trying to get my Mom here, in time…. It was time to focus on myself! I was in the hospital around 11:00am and contractions were still about 10 minutes apart. The plan was to get 2 doses of Penicillin in me (because I was Group B Strep positive) before I delivered. Lucky enough, I got my favorite doctor (out of a possible 5) and so I was very happy with her decisions. Around 4:30pm contractions were still 10 minutes apart, but getting very very strong. I didn’t want to get an epidural yet since they were still far apart, but I was totally ready once they got closer… The Doctor checked me and I was 6cm so she broke my water! Contractions were getting stronger and stronger (although still 10 min apart) and so I opted for the epidural! I didn’t remember it being that painful with Carson! But having a contraction, while getting a needle stuck in your back is NOT fun! I was checked again around 6:00pm and was 10 cm!!!! I couldn’t believe it was happening all so fast! Still needing to thin out a bit we waited a little and I started pushing at 6:52. Three contractions later and 3 pushes each contraction, Aubrey Jolee was born at 6:59pm, weighing in at 6lbs 11oz and 19.5in long.
I have to say that this labor and delivery was just picture perfect!!! I was up walking around about an hour later and felt wonderful! I was totally ready to have her and felt so much more confident this time! Everyone thinks I am crazy with as fast as I “healed” and how I am out and about already… But my labor/delivery/weeks after with Carson were horrible! Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t change a thing about how my son came into this world, but adjusting to being a “New Mommy” is totally different than when you are ready to have your second. It is hard to explain, but I am sure all you 2nd time Mommy’s know exactly what I mean!
We went home on Sunday morning… Aubrey had zero issues the whole time in the hospital, keeping body temp up, no jaundice… Plus I felt like a million bucks and so ready to get home. (Unlike with Carson I panicked leaving the hospital scared of what was going to happen at home.)
Congrats! She is beautiful!!!!
Beautiful! She is perfect and I'm so happy that all went well. Can't wait to meet her....someday soon hopefully :)
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