And Carson responds, "You're my Best Mommy Ever" I love him! He is growing so much! I can't believe that he starts school in 4 DAYS!!! Well, preschool.... only 2 days a week.... only 4 hours a day.... That is what I keep telling myself! It really isn't school, it is social time without Mommy.... Right??? BUT, I'm paying for it.... and he will learn, OK it is school!
Oh, anyway, as I struggle with this, I will brag about him a bit! Jamie and I have been cracking down on his letters! He has NEVER had an interest in letters, but I was determined that he would know most of them before he started preschool. Jamie has thought of some pretty awesome games to play with him to encourage it and it is working! I am so proud to say that he knows at least 20-23 of the letters and most of his numbers 1-10. He is even writing them... and I think that has a lot to do with "Mr. Doodle Saves Doodleburg" on his LeapFrog Explorer. This morning, he wrote his name for the first time!!!!
There is a line through the "O" because he was looking at how I wrote the "N" on another piece of paper and didn't realize he started the "N" over it.... so he moved over a little bit and made his "N" :)
The other thing we have been working on is his big boy bike! Since I was 37 weeks I decided to start walking again to try and get labor going!!! So I walk and he rides. I want him to get good at so that when Aubrey is here I can run with her in the stroller and he can ride. The part he has the most trouble with is coming up and down from the sidewalk (when crossing a side street, and there are tons of them since we live in the neighborhood!) But he is getting it down. He couldn't start by himself for the longest time, but he now has that mastered! Here is a little video I took of him riding!
Just taking in all milestones as they happen! I miss my little baby boy, but love love love the little boy he has grown into be!!!
12 years ago
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