To Tell or Not to Tell.... that is the question. As a Mother, no one wants to admit when they are wrong, especially when it comes to your kids. But I have tried to realize, that this wasn't ALL my fault.... so I have decided to "spill the beans."
Last month I took Carson for his routine (every 6 month) dental trip. They have not done x-rays on him yet and just looking in his mouth, the dentist said, "Yeah, looks like he has 2 cavities." REALLY??? Are you serious??? I couldn't believe my ears! He isn't even 4 and he has TWO CAVITIES??? What did I do wrong? I don't give him Soda or Kool-Aid. He don't eat much chocolate and yeah, the kid gets a small treat after dinner. But not a big bowl of ice-cream or a candy bar. I even know parents that buy their kids a pack of M&M's every time they go to WalMart. Not me! How is he going to get through fillings?
My research began and we went to another dentist (a child's dentist) where he then received x-rays. (Oh this is hard for me to type) The dentist came out and said, "His teeth are bad, they are really bad..... cavities between EVERY back tooth" Hello Mommy that is crying right there at the dentist's office!!! Holy Hell, I couldn't wait to get out of there to just ball (which I did, at home.... shut myself in the bathroom for a bit). Really? He needs WHAT done? It wasn't good. The dentist asks me what his diet is like... Juice? (yes, natural sugar, duh) Milk? (yes, chocolate cause I thought that was better than no milk) Fruit Snacks? (yes, they are not as bad as candy) He look at me and said, "His diet, HAS to CHANGE, and now"
Do you know how much sugar white milk has in it? Do you know that kids are only suppose to get 4 oz of juice a day? Do you know that I will NEVER buy another pack of fruit snacks, fruit roll ups, cookies, or even most dry cereals AGAIN!
Carson even still lets ME BRUSH HIS TEETH at night! He does it first, then I do it. How many of you floss your kids teeth???? Hummmmm......
Lets just say "all the work" was done this past Monday. Talk about an upset Mommy! I could hardly eat! Honestly, this was so upsetting it changed my outlook on what I put in MY mouth. So now I am faced with "sugar free" options. Is it bad for their health? My child just won't drink water all day. If I give it to him, then he won't drink till night time and DOWN a bottle of water then be up all night going to the bathroom. We did cold turkey juice, chocolate milk, candy, gummies, etc. but I have to fill that with something. Now, he is hungry ALL day LONG. Is this because he is not drinking? Or because he is growing? Or maybe because kids have a weird way of telling us they are in pain.... so his teeth hurting was a way to remind him to eat? So parents, what do you think about artificially flavoring? Feedback would really be nice.... would 8 crowns, 4 fillings and 1 baby root canal be enough to change your mind and give your kids artificially flavored things?

Carson's New "Bling" - And that is just the bottom!