I am not an English teacher, and have no intention on ever being one. I know that my writing skills are not the best. I really do proof read, but I am sorry if there are mistakes. This blog is for fun... like a journal for my kids. I just let all you in.... take it or leave it! Thanks for reading!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Getting out some frustration!

I have to say that I am so glad that I am baking up my little baby girl right now and that she isn't already 10-15.  I have to get a little frustration out about "role models" now-a-day. Okay or just one, that I would kill my daughter if she ever said she wanted to "be like her," "dress like her," or "talk like her."  I would say I wouldn't mind if she wanted to "be able to sing like her," but honestly, I don't know how she sings because I am always too wrapped up in what she is wearing, doing or talking about.  You got it.... Lady Gaga!!!  Someone please tell me what you do with your "tweeny" when they want to be like this woman, if you want to call her a woman, she is more like a.... well..... crazy!!!  I am sorry, we all have our opinion, and I know she has tons of fans, or should I say "monsters" (I mean really????) and she is very successful, but what would I do if Baby Girl Richmond came up to me and said "Mom, look at my makeup" and she looked like she was about to work at a haunted house or "clown it up" at a little kid birthday party.... but no, my baby wants to go out in PUBLIC like this!!!!  Or the fact that every performance Gaga puts on, she is wearing close to NOTHING (or raw meat) and is rolling around on the stage with a man about to "do the deed" with him or breaking glass bottles all over the place.  What is she trying to prove????  I understand, be yourself..... but not be totally mental!!!!!  I'm sorry, every time I see her I just want to punch the TV.  I figured if I talked about it here, maybe it would help, but it didn't, now I am just more ticked off!!!!


Bryn said...

She's so out there I think the kids already know how insane it is. My daughter has no problems not wanting to be like her. Most of the time that stuff is a phase they go through. Ride the wave while you can. I loved the High School Musical phase and all the other phases Allie went through. Reminds me of my Madonna stage. Oh I wanted to be her so bad. Part of growing up is figuring all that stuff out. You will be a good mom! It seems like if you make a fuss out of it, they just want to do it more. Lady Gaga is TOOOO much! Don't even get me started on her. That poker face song is catchy...

Kelly said...

Bryn, I love you!!! And Miss You Way TOOOO Much :)

All Ducked Up said...

I agree with Bryn and will also say that when a child has parents who are well put together, loving people like you and Jaime, they grow with the sense not to look up to the wrong people.

Although, I'm pretty sure my mother was horrified when I liked Madonna. LOL

Melissa Lynn said...

Kelly, I couldn't agree with you more! I can't stand the sight of her! I actually had to click "hide all posts by Lady Gaga" on my home page because I soooo can't tolerate the way she looks or the things she says. I could appreciate her persona if it was indeed a persona. But it is quite obvious that Lady Gaga is not just a stage name or persona, it is what the woman bases her entire being on. Just the mere fact that she goes by the name "Gaga" even off stage... well that says it all!